











Dit is met trots dat ek kan aankondig dat die Sinoville GPF gisteraand by die SAPD Gauteng Prestasie Toekenningsgeleentheid die toekenning ontvang het as GPF van die Jaar in die Gauteng Provinsie. Om hierdie toekenning te ontvang is net moontlik deur volgehoue spanwerk en harde werk op grondvlak waar patrolleerders ure van hul eie tyd gee om misdaad te bekamp. Die bydrae van elke lid, hoe gering ookal, speel 'n belangrik rol.
Hiermee 'n baie groot dankie aan elke lid van ons gemeenskap. Ons bedank ook ons buurtwagte, straatgroepe en SAPD vir hulle vennootskap en ondersteuning in die bekamping van misdaad in ons omgewing.

Charles Kemp
Voorsitter, Sinoville GPF


I am proud to announce that last night at the SAPS Gauteng Annual Excellence Awards ceremony, the Sinoville CPF received the award as CPF of the Year. To receive this award is only possible through continuous teamwork and hard work at ground level where patrollers spend hours of their own time fighting crime. The contribution of every member is important and counts. Herewith a big thank you to every member of our community. We also thank our neighbourhood watches, street committees and our SAPS for their partnership and support in the fight against crime in our community.

Charles Kemp
Chairperson, Sinoville CPF